Miserable trip. V-Australia is a great airline and did their best, but (1) I can't sleep on planes, and (2) I managed to come down with some sort of crud the last day in Australia, so I felt wretched the whole way. At least I did not get food poisoning, as I did on my way home from Morocco last year. And getting sick at the end of a tip beats getting sick during the trip. I'll recuperate at home, once I get there... there's never been a cold or flu that could stand up to green chile.
Back in the USA
Miserable trip. V-Australia is a great airline and did their best, but (1) I can't sleep on planes, and (2) I managed to come down with some sort of crud the last day in Australia, so I felt wretched the whole way. At least I did not get food poisoning, as I did on my way home from Morocco last year. And getting sick at the end of a tip beats getting sick during the trip. I'll recuperate at home, once I get there... there's never been a cold or flu that could stand up to green chile.
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